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Femtec expands university network: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg joins cooperation network-old

Berlin, October 01, 2022 – FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg is the second renowned university to join the Femtec network within a year, after TU Braunschweig. Alongside TU Munich, it is thus the second Bavarian university and will enrich the long-standing network with female STEM talent. FAU is the tenth partner university in the cooperation network.

FAU – Innovation with a long tradition
With around 38,500 students at more than 300 chairs, the university offers students a comprehensive range of attractive education. Two institutions established as part of the nationwide Excellence Initiative, as well as numerous top positions in international rankings, attest to the quality of FAU’s education. By joining the Femtec network, female students in STEM subjects in particular will now have another opportunity to network and prepare for their own careers with even greater awareness. „I am very pleased that FAU is part of the Femtec network as of today. This offers our female STEM students a wide range of innovative opportunities for career and personal development in collaboration with exciting partners from the higher education landscape and the business world. Femtec is a great enrichment for the participating female students as well as the network partners and I am looking forward to the collaboration with great anticipation,“ says Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch, Vice President People at FAU.

Femtec as an interdisciplinary network
The Femtec network sees itself in particular as a source of impetus for business, science and society for more equal opportunities, diversity and sustainability. Female talents have already been networking across faculties and universities for 21 years. This interdisciplinary format in particular is a strength that comes to bear in the numerous formats of the career-building program and promotes innovation. This makes Femtec all the more pleased that the university has joined. Marion Zeßner, Managing Director: „The Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg has long been a preferred candidate among the partner universities in the Femtec Network – I am very much looking forward to working with Germany’s most innovative university. The Career-Building Programme will expose female STEM students at FAU to numerous other exciting career and networking opportunities.“