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Selma Hadzic

Career-Building, Negotiation

What are your most important career stages?

I graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lille as an engineer and I worked 10 years in the data field. The professional milestones are my graduation, my first job as a data scientist, being promoted to a manager role and then transitioning to being independent. Today, I am a freelancer data tech lead as well as a professional coach and diversity & inclusion consultant, guiding tech companies to close the gender gap.

What is your most defining career experience?

Many moments in my career have taught me so much and I’m always building on top of these learnings… The most defining moment would be when I decided to transition to being independent. This was a big jump for me and I had to learn (still learning!) new skills, and trust my ability to learn and adapt. It is very exciting!

What do you recommend to female applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?

Go for it!! The first step of every move in your career is going to dare. Dare consider a certain path, dare apply, dare defend your skills in front of others and dare say yes to opportunities. Daring is not innate, like any other skills it requires training. So train yourself by daring every time you get the chance! The STEM world needs your inputs and you! The more and more women join forces in tech and STEM, the better it will be not only for women but for everyone.