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Sarah Needham

Building Networks

What are your professional milestones?

Chartered engineer who worked her way up to Assistant Chief Engineer before diversifying into Sales and Commercial & Programs before leaving the industry & becoming a certified coach. I have my own B-Corp certified coaching business & have recently founded the not-for-profit Womxn in Climate Tech & Innovation to take action towards creating a new leadership paradigm in the Climate Tech & Innovation eco-system.

What is your most defining career experience?

Walking away from the industry after going through burnout with no clear plan before deciding to pivot into coaching. I went from being a leader who coached to a coach who leads.

What do you recommend to applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?

Discover what makes you unique & then harness this power to design the life you want to create. If something is not working for you, boldly redesign your life to enable you to contribute to your full potential.