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New paths for green roads!-old

Our mobility needs to become climate neutral. In pursuit of this goal, our collaborative partner, Daimler Truck, has embarked on a new journey with our scholarship recipients. Through our Career Building Programme and the Innovation Lab, 26 brilliant Femteccies have undertaken a “Strategic Analysis of Decentralized Energy Supply” with the world’s leading vehicle manufacturer.

At the core of their task was the exploration of methods to generate green electricity for e-mobility while harmonizing various environmental and customer requirements. A taff task; however, our Femteccies managed to find solutions within a mere four months!

But before we revel in their accomplishments, let us trace back to the beginning: In March of this year, the journey commenced with a kick-off event in Berlin. Followed by a period that was both work- and learning-intensive. Interviews were conducted, data was simulated, customer needs were identified, scenarios were developed, and concrete solutions were crafted! Throughout the process, the scholarship recipients were consistently supported by Daimler Truck. “We had weekly meetings where we could directly reach out to experts with our questions and concerns. The collaboration was conducted on both a highly professional and personal level” – (Jasmin, Class 42).

At the conclusion of the four-month Innovation Lab, an impressive outcome emerged – a business plan, various tools, and new expertise! This not only benefits Daimler Truck, but particularly our Femteccies. “I have gained a wealth of new knowledge, not just in terms of content, but especially regarding project work and organizational skills. Working with my team was incredibly valuable, and I was continually amazed by the other scholarship recipients.”

The learning journey reached its culmination with a final presentation with a diverse group of Daimler Truck’s management representatives. We wholeheartedly congratulate everyone involved on this remarkable achievement!