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Katrin Brinkhoff

Innovation & Co-Creation, Leading myself and others

What are your professional milestones?

My background as the head of an EU education project for women (2002-2005) was meaningful.  The experience as a referent at the Federal Ministry (BMFSFJ) for a media project and the work in selection procedures at the Foreign Office gave me insight into complex structures. My work as a moderator is also driven by my work as a cultural journalist (for ZDF, among others). As a moderator, trainer and coach for executives, I have been supporting my clients in change processes and in the course of digitalization across all industries for 18 years. The time I spent working independently was then less a “station” than “constant learning and transformation”. And supporting women in the MINT sector – also through Femtec – is a meaningful pleasure for me!

What is your most defining career experience?

I would like to divide this into “3 phases of career”.

During my studies: the exploratory view beyond my own nose, trying out and getting to know different organizational cultures.

After my studies: in any case: mentors from whom I was able to learn and who supported and encouraged me. I still think of them today!

In 18 years of professional life: the experience and the systemic view. Also the confidence that many processes take place in intervals. (Even as a North German I appreciate the optimistic Cologne saying:”hätt noch immer jot jejange…”- something like “it always went well…”)

And again and again: Exchange and support in my wonderfully valuable grown network!

What do you recommend to applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?

  • Network and support each other!
  •  Dare to show vulnerability – it is essential for innovative strenght!
  • Follow what gives you energy and what your heart beats for (even if it is demanding…!)