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Julia von Kanitz

Building Sustainable Networks, Leading myself and others

What are your professional milestones?

  • From the United Nations Environment Program, to a management consultancy and then to the Alternative Street Football World Cup at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa as project manager of an international NGO.
  • Self-employed for 15 years – at a start-up, association, social enterprise, university, association and company.
  • Founded the association Doctors for Choice Germany – for reproductive rights and bodily self-determination
  • Member and trainer at Initiative Neues Lernen e.V.- for participatory school development and education
  • My theoretical and practical background: design thinking, systemic organizational development, systemic coaching, mediation, leadership and team development, facilitation and community builder.

What is your most defining career experience?

I have tried many different things and have not followed a straightforward career path, but have always been enthusiastic about new topics and sectors. This has taught me a lot about organizations, how processes and routines can influence human behavior and leadership. I have learned to always trust that new doors will open and job opportunities will present themselves if we show our strengths and approach people and new ideas with an open mind.

What do you recommend to applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?

  • Don’t be afraid of failure – it’s best to “fail” often – then you will lose the fear of trying new things and your “courage muscle” will grow. This is the only way to develop lasting self-confidence. People who are self-confident were not born with it, but have learned that mistakes and wrong decisions are not the end of the world.
  • You don’t have to fulfill the requirements of a job advertisement 100 percent. The job that has criteria that you can’t yet tick will probably be just the right one. Your new job should offer you new challenges and learning opportunities – if you already fulfill everything, then you are probably overqualified.
  • Don’t believe in everything you think!
  • Strengthen your strengths – working on your weaknesses will only make you less weak.