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Jasmin Justen

Building Networks

What are your most important career stages?

  • Apprenticeship as a metal worker for construction technology: Here I learned “If you have to, there’s always a way”.
  • Study of physics: Here my frustration tolerance was screwed to infinity 😉
  • Process management in a company: Here I learned how important it is to be in an environment where you can play to your strengths.
  • Founding “twelve or higher”: Turning passion into profession

What is your most formative career experience?

The termination of my corporate career. I had a great path ahead of me. From the outside, everything was perfect. Inside, I got a stomach ache and felt more and more strongly that I didn’t want to do this, especially in this environment. When you’re on the hamster wheel right now, it’s insanely hard to notice how stressful it is. When I drove home on my very last day, I sat in the car and realized how toxic the environment had been for me and what a downward spiral I was on. I am infinitely glad and grateful that I realized this for myself. Since then I know much better what I have to pay attention to in order to work in a way that fulfills me and does not rob me of my life energy.

What do you recommend to applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?

Do your thing. Do it your way. And don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Regardless of whether you get into the program or not, you’ve got it! Find an environment for yourself where you can be the best version of yourself.