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Interview with Alex

Alex studies Biotechnology in Aachen, participates in our pilot program, Career-Building Elements, loves technology and music, and also strikes the right note as a true team player.

How did you hear about Career-Building Elements, and what motivated you to apply?

I regularly check my university inbox – although probably not as often as I should – and that’s where I found the announcement for Career-Building Elements. What really attracted me was the idea of connecting with like-minded women beyond my campus and getting to know different companies. We often tend to stay in our little bubble, but I find it incredibly important to broaden our perspectives.

Additionally, I was hoping to exchange ideas with other motivated, tech-savvy women. Looking back at my experience, I’m really happy I applied.

Is it also part of your everyday life as a student that women are in the minority compared to many male students?

In my field of study, which has a strong biological focus, that’s less the case. However, I’ve noticed that female students tend to hold back in courses with a more technical focus. Our society still clings to the stereotype that men are the ones who are good at math and become engineers. I joined the Femtec programme hoping to meet female students who share my enthusiasm for technology, and that’s exactly what happened.

True words. Many stereotypes persist. Can you give me an overview of your first School week?

I arrived on Monday, early and eager to meet people. On the first evening, we organized ourselves and went out for dinner. Officially, the programme kicked off on Tuesday at Omexon’s offices, with team-building activities to get to know each other. We discussed how we wanted to shape our time with Career-Building Elements. It was great to develop common sense: “We’re not only here for ourselves but to create something together.” On Wednesday and Thursday, we visited Globe, a startup in Stuttgart with a fresh spirit and modern atmosphere. Over those two days, we focused on career planning and thinking about our future – asking ourselves, “What do I really want? Who am I? What kind of future do I want to create?” We explored our values in-depth, individually and as a group. On the fourth day, we went on an excursion to Netze BW, an energy company.

That sounds like an intense few days—lots of reflection, new input, and new people. Was there something that stood out to you?

What really stayed with me was the space we were given to reflect on our values and look at them from different perspectives. It helped me sharpen my vision for the future. It’s not easy to make decisions and set priorities in these uncertain times. Taking time to pause, reflect, and exchange ideas with others impacted us all. Those experiences have stayed with me and are still evolving.

What are your key takeaways from the week?

The biggest takeaway is the warm, positive feeling I’m left with. I met so many incredible, inspiring people who gave me so much, both professionally and personally. The acceptance and openness among the women in the program were truly special. It reinforced for me how important it is to stay open and accepting in life and to lift each other up. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, we’re stronger together. Too often, we’re afraid to ask for help. Moving forward, I want to stand up for myself more, seek support when needed, and be there to lend a helping hand to others. The genuine appreciation I received — even from people who barely knew me – really boosted my sense of self-worth and left me feeling deeply grateful overall.