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Promoting women in STEM occupations: Procter & Gamble is a new partner of the Femtec Network-old

Berlin, 19 August 2019 – Femtec GmbH, the international career network for women in the STEM sector, is delighted to welcome Procter & Gamble, another highly renowned company to its partner network. With this new partnership, the globally active consumer goods manufacturer intends to further expand the promotion of women in engineering and natural sciences and promote female talent during their studies.

For 18 years now, Femtec GmbH’s Career-Building Program has been offering 50 selected female students training courses every semester to shape and promote their individual career paths. Through workshops, project work, coaching and company visits, the scholarship holders can gain deep insights into top companies. In addition, they can make valuable contacts for their career.

“We need diversity. But there are still barriers that prevent women from studying a technical or scientific subject or making a career in STEM occupations. We want to break down these barriers. Together with Femtec, we support ambitious female students of technology and natural sciences during their training and thus contribute to sustainably improving their entry and career opportunities,” says Matthias Weber, Managing Director Production and Logistics at Procter & Gamble. Oliver Weismantel, IT Manager at P&G, adds: “At the same time, we are looking forward to getting to know many highly qualified graduates through this cooperation.”

“For 18 years, we have been supporting and networking young female employees in STEM subjects,” says Marion Zeßner, Managing Director of Femtec GmbH. “We are delighted to welcome Procter & Gamble, another global player to our partner network, who is working with us to improve career opportunities for women in mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology.”

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Procter & Gamble is a new partner of the Femtec Network