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Femtec Award 2022

Berlin, September 12, 2022 – The Femtec Award 2022 was presented last Friday for the fifth consecutive year. Three prizes were awarded during the Summer Event on September 9 at Freiheit 15 in Berlin Köpenick. The Femtec Award honours individuals, initiatives, or organizations that demonstrate exceptional dedication, impact, and influence on society, whether on a large or small scale, across Leadership, Innovation, and Social Impact categories.

Category Leadership – Professor Dr. Angela Ittel

In the “Leadership” category, role models sought individuals who inspire their teams with authentic leadership and provide individuals with space for personal development.
Professor Dr Angela Ittel was honoured in the Leadership category. She served as Vice President of the Technical University of Berlin for eight years before becoming President of the Technical University of Braunschweig in 2021 – only the second woman in history to hold this position. Recently, she was elected to the first female co-presidency of TU9. As an experienced science manager, she is an expert in collaborative research, academic career development, gender equality, and diversity. As a role model, she actively advocates for the active recruitment of women into leadership positions and supports career development initiatives. She strategically addresses gender equality and diversity as development priorities and plays a prominent role as a pioneer in equality and diversity management. Prof. Ittel actively supports networks for women scientists and professionals. She is actively committed to the internationalization and global visibility of TU Braunschweig, promoting diverse teams and greater justice within her institution.

Also in the final were Elena Kunze from partner company Evonik and Nathalie Haußmann, former Femtec Alumnae e.V board member.

Innovation Category: Macarena Varela

In the Innovation category, we sought creative visionaries and future managers willing to initiate change and introduce new impulses. Characterized by initiative and entrepreneurial action, pioneers focus on sustainable perspectives in their novel products or services.
Macarena Varela was awarded in the Innovation category. As a scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute FKIE and a doctoral candidate, she has developed innovative signal processing methods enabling entirely new procedures in search and rescue missions. Drones equipped with microphone arrays are designed to assist rescue teams in disaster areas by locating and rescuing survivors more quickly. Macarena presented her latest scientific research findings in 2021, and her innovative research approach has since been covered in over 160 press articles and publications across Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia. Whether in the BBC Science Podcast, interviews with The Times or The Washington Post, the scenario of using drones and acoustic sensors to locate and rescue buried individuals has sparked global interest. The potential of her research area to fill a critical gap in search and rescue efforts is underscored by inquiries from various industrial partners and disaster relief organizations.

Other finalists included Estefania Hofmann from partner organization EnBW and Lena Drubel from Telekom, both long-standing partners of Femtec.

Social Impact Category: DokForum of RWTH Aachen

In the “Social Impact” category, individuals or initiatives were sought that serve as catalysts for diversity in society through their engagement, often in addition to their professional or academic commitments. The focus was on projects, ideas, or initiatives that bring about sustainable social change.

This year, the award in the Social Impact category was won by the DokForum of RWTH Aachen. It is an independent and self-organized network of female doctoral researchers from all faculties at RWTH Aachen. In addition to large group meetings, smaller teams are working on various goals. At regular meetings, postgraduate candidates can discuss multiple aspects, such as academic topics, mental health, or self-doubt. The DokForum provides a safe space to address challenges faced by female doctoral researchers working in a predominantly male-dominated environment, as only one-third of all doctoral candidates at RWTH are women. The network fosters community through sharing problems and celebrating successes, such as publishing research. To encourage more women to pursue this career path, members of the DokForum regularly participate in information sessions, especially for female students, sharing their career journeys. The DokForum also allows international female researchers to connect through an established network and collaborative activities.

Lachana Hada and Tiaji Sio were also finalists in the Social Impact category.