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Successful STEM orientation program "Talent Take Off" goes into extension thanks to Fraunhofer.-old

Berlin, August 6, 2019 – Exactly ten years ago, Femtec GmbH launched the “Talent Take Off” study orientation program on behalf of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Now, the organisation for application-oriented research in Europe, founded in 1949, has awarded the contract to the Berlin career network Femtec for two more joint years. The program successfully supports young people in starting their careers in the STEM field. A total of more than 1,100 pupils and students have already taken part in the Talent Take Off, 50 percent of whom are women interested in STEM. Many of them remain loyal to the program for years as supporters of the younger ones or workshop leaders – a clear sign of the popularity of the program.

“This is great news for us on our tenth anniversary. We are very pleased to be able to carry out another two years of Talent Take Off together with Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and would like to thank you for your trust,” says Marion Zeßner, Managing Director of Femtec GmbH.

The program consists of different modules: The first is called Talent Take Off – Getting Startet and prepares students in the 10th-13th grades for the subject of study orientation in the STEM field. This six-day elective course takes place in Berlin, once during the Easter holidays and once during the autumn holidays. It includes an introductory day at the TU Berlin including lectures, meals in the refectory and technology workshops, as well as a visit to a Fraunhofer Institute and a discussion with role models from the STEM sector. Of course, there will also be plenty of leisure activities in the capital.

The second module, Talent Take Off – Gaining Speed, is held once a year for four days at one of the Fraunhofer-Institutes in Germany and is aimed at first-semester STEM students.

The third module, the alumni event Talent Take Off – Building Networks, also takes place annually in Berlin and is the  highlight of the program. This is where the entire Fraunhofer young talents network comes together to experience an exciting four-day program together with all graduates of Fraunhofer young talents events and other interested students. Inspiring lectures and workshops, the chance to chat with Fraunhofer researchers and leisure opportunities for the participants are all on the agenda.

The successful STEM orientation program Talent Take Off from Femtec has been extended thanks to Fraunhofer.