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Transformation for Rotation!-old

The title doesn’t just rhyme; it’s also the (admittedly slightly shortened) mission statement of our latest Innovation Lab. 26 of our Femteccies dedicated themselves to a real-life business challenge for four months during their Career-Building Program. This year, Amazon has entered the race with a first-time assignment: the implementation of a new rotation system for their distribution centre!

Before Amazon orders arrive at our homes, they pass through many diligent hands. To provide their employees with a healthy and diverse work experience, regular position rotations are carried out. Our Femteccies took the lead here and lived up to the “Innovation Lab”-title, offering new and innovative ideas for an optimized rotation process!

To create and refine the new rotation system, our Femteccies immersed themselves in the task during an intensive kick-off week. They embarked on a comprehensive exploration, including an insightful visit to one of the logistics centres. “Initially, we were faced with a huge amount of information. We thoroughly examined each position, and together with Amazon group leaders, a physiotherapist, and workers, we understood each role’s nature. Moreover, the dynamic demand for workers at different times, like during the festive season, was duly considered in our planning process. The process of documenting the entire endeavour alone proved to be a monumental undertaking, marking a remarkable milestone in our journey!” – (Marilia, Class 42).

Following the data collection, the search for practical tools ensued. The result: an app-based computer software that meets Amazon’s needs. “Amazon will indeed implement most of our ideas and software solutions.” A great success for Amazon but particularly for our Femteccies, who had the opportunity to present their results to various high-level representatives of Amazon last week. 

From the meeting room to the swimming pool 

It was a strong team effort, and the team spirit extended beyond the project. “One of us had a swimming competition a week before the presentation. We will be there to support and cheer her on.” This team sure knows how to keep their ideas afloat!

We are consistently proud of the impressive outcomes at the end of each Inno-Lab and extend our congratulations for such a fantastic result once again!

New paths for green roads!-old

Our mobility needs to become climate neutral. In pursuit of this goal, our collaborative partner, Daimler Truck, has embarked on a new journey with our scholarship recipients. Through our Career Building Programme and the Innovation Lab, 26 brilliant Femteccies have undertaken a “Strategic Analysis of Decentralized Energy Supply” with the world’s leading vehicle manufacturer.

At the core of their task was the exploration of methods to generate green electricity for e-mobility while harmonizing various environmental and customer requirements. A taff task; however, our Femteccies managed to find solutions within a mere four months!

But before we revel in their accomplishments, let us trace back to the beginning: In March of this year, the journey commenced with a kick-off event in Berlin. Followed by a period that was both work- and learning-intensive. Interviews were conducted, data was simulated, customer needs were identified, scenarios were developed, and concrete solutions were crafted! Throughout the process, the scholarship recipients were consistently supported by Daimler Truck. “We had weekly meetings where we could directly reach out to experts with our questions and concerns. The collaboration was conducted on both a highly professional and personal level” – (Jasmin, Class 42).

At the conclusion of the four-month Innovation Lab, an impressive outcome emerged – a business plan, various tools, and new expertise! This not only benefits Daimler Truck, but particularly our Femteccies. “I have gained a wealth of new knowledge, not just in terms of content, but especially regarding project work and organizational skills. Working with my team was incredibly valuable, and I was continually amazed by the other scholarship recipients.”

The learning journey reached its culmination with a final presentation with a diverse group of Daimler Truck’s management representatives. We wholeheartedly congratulate everyone involved on this remarkable achievement!

Behind the Scenes: Mentorship Experiences at Proctor & Gamble-old

A network thrives on a diverse exchange, different encounters and learning from and with each other. Following this approach, we established a mentoring programme for our Femteccies and our partner company, Proctor & Gamble. We pricked up our ears and learned from Peter’s (P&G, Peter is Director FemCare Packaging Europe & AMA, Technical Recruiting Leader Europe) and Sophie’s (Femtec Alumnae, Class 41) valuable experiences.

Why did Proctor & Gamble participate in the mentoring program with Femtec? 

Peter: Proctor & Gamble participated in the mentoring program with Femtec to support the developing and promotion of female talent in STEM fields. P&G recognizes that equality and inclusion in the workplace are essential for innovation and success and thus help and support female students to be prepared for leadership positions in the future.

Sophie: As a Femteccie, I participated in the program to build a strong and trusting mentorship relationship with an experienced industry expert. It was further important to me to receive a sneak peek into Proctor and Gamble, one of the world’s longest-standing multinational companies that cherish its traditions while being at the forefront of innovation and progressive organization models supporting leadership development.

How was the overall experience of the mentoring program, and what was its setup? 

Peter: The overall experience of the mentoring program was extremely positive, and it created an even strong partnership between Proctor & Gamble and Femtec on an organizational level and great mentoring experiences on a personal one. 

Sophie: Peter’s and my mentor/mentee’s experiences have been overwhelmingly positive, ranging from professional and personal advice to academic discussions to barbeque evenings at his house with my partner and me. Moreover, Peter encouraged me to apply for P&G’s future female leaders’ event at their German headquarters. It was an inspiring two-day event with workshops, laboratory visits and networking events, and it provided me with insights into the industry that I did not have before.

What were the most important learnings you took away, or what did you find anything interesting/surprising? 

Sophie: One of the most important learnings from the mentoring program was the value of (female) mentorship in STEM fields. Coming from a family without any industrial or corporate background, discussing difficult situations with Peter either in preparation for them or in retrospective reflection was really helpful. Peter probably saved me from putting a huge foot in my mouth a couple of times – thanks, Peter!

Peter: For me, it was incredibly rewarding to get perspective from the young generation of excellent and bright individuals and understand their way of thinking and what is important. These learnings have helped me to adjust my own priorities and to become a better coach for young people.

What do you like about this program? (*)

We both appreciate that the mentoring program provides female STEM students access to mentors who can offer valuable insights and advice. It is crucial that this exchange happens in the private and “safe space” environment of a trusted mentoring relationship that has been officially signed up and matched by experts of both parties, Femtec as well as P&G. The program also provides opportunities for professional development and networking, which is essential for building a successful career in STEM. Finally, the partnership between Proctor & Gamble and Femtec demonstrates a commitment to promoting Equality and Inclusion in the workplace, an essential component of today’s business world. Showing this is a valid expectation will help make our world a better place.

Femtec expands university network: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg joins cooperation network-old

Berlin, October 01, 2022 – FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg is the second renowned university to join the Femtec network within a year, after TU Braunschweig. Alongside TU Munich, it is thus the second Bavarian university and will enrich the long-standing network with female STEM talent. FAU is the tenth partner university in the cooperation network.

FAU – Innovation with a long tradition
With around 38,500 students at more than 300 chairs, the university offers students a comprehensive range of attractive education. Two institutions established as part of the nationwide Excellence Initiative, as well as numerous top positions in international rankings, attest to the quality of FAU’s education. By joining the Femtec network, female students in STEM subjects in particular will now have another opportunity to network and prepare for their own careers with even greater awareness. “I am very pleased that FAU is part of the Femtec network as of today. This offers our female STEM students a wide range of innovative opportunities for career and personal development in collaboration with exciting partners from the higher education landscape and the business world. Femtec is a great enrichment for the participating female students as well as the network partners and I am looking forward to the collaboration with great anticipation,” says Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch, Vice President People at FAU.

Femtec as an interdisciplinary network
The Femtec network sees itself in particular as a source of impetus for business, science and society for more equal opportunities, diversity and sustainability. Female talents have already been networking across faculties and universities for 21 years. This interdisciplinary format in particular is a strength that comes to bear in the numerous formats of the career-building program and promotes innovation. This makes Femtec all the more pleased that the university has joined. Marion Zeßner, Managing Director: “The Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg has long been a preferred candidate among the partner universities in the Femtec Network – I am very much looking forward to working with Germany’s most innovative university. The Career-Building Programme will expose female STEM students at FAU to numerous other exciting career and networking opportunities.”

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