Birgit Rüdesheim
Birgit Rüdesheim
Career Development, Building Sustainable Networks
What are your professional milestones?
- Physiotherapist for 5 years
- Degree in psychology (Diploma) with focus on industrial and organizational psychology, research methodology and neuroscience
- 10 years as a consultant for human resource and organizational development, SICK AG
- 4 years as a team leader for human resource and organizational development, SICK AG
- 2 years sabbatical
- since 2015: companion and coach with focus on leadership, change processes and good work.
What is your most defining career experience?
My most defining career experience was “the happy moments”: That information about the profession of a physiotherapist fell into my hands at the right moment – and I decided to take this apprenticeship. And that a friend explained to me over a glass of wine that I didn’t have to be a therapist when I studied psychology, but that there were other fields of work – and I chose industrial psychology. When my tax advisor said to my ideas about the sabbatical “Who, if not you? And when, if not now?” – and I quit my beloved job the next day. And the moment I thought I was just signing a form for the tax office – and I realized in that moment: I just started my own business. I am curious about the next moment.
What do you recommend to applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?
My recommendation for applicants to the program? Maybe more like a thought that I often have when I work with the scholarship holders and experience them in the program and with each other. It is ” I would have loved taking part in such a program back then”.