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Barbara Hoyer

Career Development, Building Sustainable Networks

What are your professional milestones?

  • Team Leader Customer Care eBay International AG
  • Program management “Young Leaders for Sustainability
  • Co-founder of a consulting company “Happy Works
  • Head of personnel development for a large communications agency

What is your most defining career experience?

These experiences have shaped and taught me the most: When I first dared to quit, I had the wonderful experience that the “right” doors always open if you are brave enough to go your authentic way.

When I co-founded a company, I realized that you can do much more than you think. And you continue to grow with colleagues, customers and business partners who believe you can do even more. And last but not least: a burnout showed me that passion and “a mode of functioning” should never come at the expense of healthy self-care.

What do you recommend to applicants for the Femtec Career-Building Programme?

Use the Femtec impulses and network to follow your own individual path. And don’t wait to be ready to go for your dream or career aspiration. You only become ready by setting out on your journey. With Femtec’s Career-Building Programme you are already on your way.