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Technical University
of Braunschweig

“As President of the TU Braunschweig, equality and diversity are particularly important to me in terms of strategic development. This is also linked to the goal of making STEM subjects more attractive for women or facilitating the transition to a successful career decision. An important component here is the cross-university and successfully established Career-Building Programme Femtec, which prepares female STEM students for their personal career paths and provides them with individual support.

Here, our STEM talents benefit above all through contacts with companies and access to networks with motivating role models. The recent successful internationalization of the program is also an important career advantage for the participants.

I am pleased that we are once again part of the network and can offer excellent female STEM students at the TU Braunschweig optimal career support with Femtec.”

Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel
President Technische Universität Braunschweig

Femtec Coordination

Jan Büssers
Femtec coordination