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Career coaching

Our career arises from the choices we make and at the same time it is exposed to life’s intangibles. It seldom runs continuously and smoothly, but takes detours, stagnates and takes off again. Gain momentum and get started, we will accompany you.

We give you the space

  • to deal with your career and your desires for change in a professional and focused way,
  • to analyse the values and needs that guide you,
  • to sharpen your profile,
  • and develop an individual career strategy from this.


  • You can book a single session (1.5 h) to work on a specific question. This can be used, for example, to prepare for a job interview or to make a decision on several options.
  • Or if you are looking for a (new) orientation you need approx. 3 – 4 sessions of 1.5 hours each.
  • Prices on request, Femtec Alumnae obtain discounted conditions.

Get in touch!

Sarah Rüger